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/www.vidaalterna.com/coleccionismo/ > El club de numismática y filatelia. > Join to our numismatic and philately club >

Join to our numismatic and philately club

We are creating a world-wide club of numismatic and philately, whose aim it is the interchange of paper money, coins and postal stamps between people of all the countries. Would like to join ?

It is very simple. In the next lines we will mention the steps and characteristics to join to the our collectors club:

Who can join to the numismatic and philately club?

  • Any person can join to the club, from any country of the world. The numismatic and philately are for every body, reason why we do not concern the age or sex either. If you want join us, you are welcome.

  • Once you get member of the club, your data, address and country will appear in our listing. Thus our visitors will be able to put themselves in contact with you for the interchange of coins, paper money and postal stamps.

¿What do I have to do to join to the numismatic and philately club?
  • Join to the club has a symbolic price. You will have to send us by ordinary mail a paper money from your country. The paper money will have to be in good state. And to accompany the paper money with a letter where you describe the personage, fact or historical event that it appears in the front of it.

  • This will be used for two things: The visitors will know that the people who appear in our listing take in serious the club, and that yes fulfills the send of paper money by mail.

  • We will create a web page with coins, paper money and postal stamps of each country, that serves so that people know your country history and culture through its paper money and stamps.

  • In reciprocity, to the first member each country, we will send him a paper money from Mexico, so that your collection grows.

    The address where you must send your paper money to join the club is the following one:

    Club of numismatist and philately
    Crisantemos 517
    Jardines de San Francisco
    San Francisco del Rincón, Guanajuato.
    Mexico, CP 36300.

We hope you to join us!!!!!

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